Soffits are essential for ventilation and protection against moisture and insects. They safeguard your roof from wood rot, mold, and other potential problems, ensuring its integrity. High-quality installation is crucial for long-term durability and roof longevity.

Aluminum soffit panels are popular for their durability, low maintenance, and stylish appearance in both residential and commercial buildings. They provide a sleek, modern aesthetic, making them a top choice among architects, contractors, and building owners. Made from lightweight, corrosion-resistant aluminum, they are highly durable in harsh weather conditions. With a variety of styles available, these panels can be customized to suit any architectural design, offering versatile options for a building’s exterior.

The Panelboardâ„¢ soffit system provides the aesthetic appeal of a full-size soffit panel while offering cost-effective installation and material savings compared to traditional soffit panels.  By utilizing aluminum planks and incorporating unique trims, this system ensures optimal airflow and essential ventilation. As a result, it not only enhances the visual appeal but also promotes the long-term durability of the system.

Aluminum Panel Systems​

Soffit Panel Systems

by Longboard®

Easy to maintain and cost effective field repairs. Dirt and debris can be easily rinsed and washed off with a mild detergent depending on frequency of build-up. No caulking or glue is required for the product.

100% recyclable, the extrusion doesn’t contact any plastic elements.

Soffit Panel System Project Gallery



A single document for compliance of code approvals and testing certifications.

Flame spread

Products are tested to meet or exceed ASTM E2768-11 and achieve class 1 fire ratings.


Products are tested to meet or exceed CAN/ULC S114 / ASTM E136 non-combustibility standards.

BS EN ISO 1716

Specifies a method for the determination of the gross heat of combustion of products.

BS EN 13823

Wall assembly fire and smoke development testing.

EXAP report

Extended application report showing compliance of similar product lines.

High-Performance Finishes

All of our soffit products and systems are powder-coated with AAMA 2604/2605 certified powder. This includes finishes that replicate the aesthetics of natural stone, brick, wood, terracotta, and naturally aged metals. Additionally, we have an entire line of solid color finishes that provide a visually striking and sophisticated aesthetic.

These high-performance finishes ensure outstanding durability and toughness. We take pride in using pre-treatment chemicals that meet strict standards and contain no chromates, cyanides, phosphates, or other EPA/OSHA-listed metals.

Aluminum Soffit Installation Guides

All the installation guides for our exterior soffit products, including soffit planks, soffit panels, and open-joint soffit options, are available for your convenience. Please refer to these guides for detailed instructions on properly installing our aluminum soffits.

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