
New Products to Simplify and Perfect Your Next Longboard Installation

What’s The Difference Between Powder Coated and Coil Coated (Pre-Painted) Aluminum?

Green by Design: How HITCH™ Contributes to Energy-Efficient Facades

Exploring Energy Efficient Façade Design

The Importance of a Circular Economy

Sustainability in the Manufacturing Industry

Introducing: Link & Lock™ HD, New Dimensions and more

Introducing: Textured Planks

Introducing: The Pinnacle Warranty

Longboard Achieves Miami-Dade Notice of Acceptance

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Longboard® is Innovative Sustainable Quality Visually Stunning

All Longboard systems are available using our Longboard ECO™ line of sustainable aluminum materials. Longboard ECO™ products are made from minimum 50% recycled aluminum and possess verified life cycle impact assessment (LCIA) and product-specific environmental product declarations (EPD).

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